Workshop Archive

Opening Symposium Interactive Film Lab

7 december 2005

7 Ara 2005

Looking for local truth through interactive film.
The Interactive Film Lab starts with an opening symposium where three speakers will share their thoughts on interactive film in relation to the theme ‘local truth’. Although this seminar serves as the departure of Mediamatic's 5-day workshop on interactive film, anyone who appeals to this topic is welcome to attend.


Urban Screens -

The following speakers will contribute:

Mirjam Struppek (Germany)

Mirjam will speak on various forms of interaction related to her project Urban Screens. She explains why interactive art with its life proximity, communicative issues and reflection of the power of the modern technologies are well suited to be linked with the urban public space.

Duncan Speakman (UK)

Sound and video artist, and initiator of the first European videoblogging conference. Duncan will zoom in on the specific points of junction between video and new media, and comment on videoblogging as a tool for exploring local truths.

Florian Thalhofer (Germany)

Artist, original builder of the Korsakow engine, and producer of the interactive documentary The Korsakow Syndrome. Florian’s work is highly inspired by local stories. He will talk about the possibilities of online interactive storytelling and ways to represent local truths within this context.

The opening seminar will be held at the Impakt venue (Oudenoord 275) from 10.00 till 13.00 hrs. The audience is expected to be present at 09.45 hrs. After lunch the actual workshop takes off. The lunch and workshop sessions are restricted to participants only.
The public sessions are open for audience of the Impakt festival. These public sessions take place every next workshop day in the afternoon. On the last day (Sunday, December 11th) five of the participants will present the film prototypes they have built during the workshop.

The admission for the opening symposium and public sessions is free.


Interactive Film Lab @ Utrecht
Public Workshop Sessions @ Impakt
Impakt Festival 2005