The Art Museum as Producer of the Moving Image


11 Haz 2010

From art documentaries to smartphone applications, from TV shows to feature films: in the 21st century art museums have become increasingly involved in the creation of media productions. Moreover, in this 2.0 era museums have created their own digital channels - just like the rest of the world - through which these productions can be broadcasted. Think of Tate Media and Boijmans van Beuningen’s Arttube.


Tate Modern - bron

This development raises several interesting questions, such as:
- What are the implications for the conventional players in the media field, i.e. producers, broadcasters, directors?
- What can we say about the quality of these museological media productions? - Is there room for institutional criticism or is this an advanced form of
museum marketing?

The seminar will be devoted to answering these questions and investigating the future of this current development. Multi-channel television and the internet are killing public service broadcasting as we have known it. Instead, let’s use the subsidy to turn Britain’s remarkable creative and artistic talents into public service “narrowcasters”


12.30 coffee and tea / visual prologue by Emile Zile. An artist and performer engaged with popular screen iconography, hybrid performance and single-channel video.

13.00 start of the programme: welcome

13.10 lecture Margriet Schavemaker Head of Collections, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam A critical analysis of the history of the intricate relationships between museums and media productions: from the early films and television productions up to the latest digital presentations of moving images on the internet and locative media.

13.35 intervention & questions

13.45 lecture Jane Burton, Head of Content and Creative Director, Tate Media Besides the wide variety of Tate Media productions and its online platform from which these moving images (lectures, interviews and documentation of exhibitions) are broadcast, Jane Burton will discuss the new Tate plans to produce a feature
animation film.

14.10 intervention & questions 14.20 break

14.45 lecture Anne-Michèle Ulrich Director audio-visual department, Centre Pompidou Centre Pompidou is coproducer of the film on Alexander Calder, presented by Doku. Arts. Anne-Michèle Ulrich will present a new iPhone application, and show a preview of the new internet channel, which will premiere in November 2010.

15.10 lecture Sjarel Ex, Director Boijmans van Beuningen A critical retrospective of the first year of Arttube will be offered, tuning in on the pros and cons, and focusing on the development of this media channel from marketing tool to ‘curatorial depth’.

15.35 intervention & questions 15.45 panel discussion 16.30 summary & drinks

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