Nathaniel Mellors


25 Ağs 2010

The Rijksakademie Beamclub is a monthly night where former resident Sarah van Sonsbeeck invites artists who she’s met via this renowned international arts institute and asks to present (YouTube) videos that truly inspire them and their work.


Still from The 7 ages of Britain teaser - Nathaniel Mellors. bron

Past speakers have included Nicoline van Harskamp (Prix de Rome winner 2009), Hans Aarsman (Volkskrant columnist and photographer), Gino Saccone, Stephane Kaas and Ben Cerveny (co-founder of Flickr and Vurb).

Beamclub #13 will be hosted by Nathaniel Mellors. About Nathaniel: “Then there was Giantbum by Nathaniel Mellors. This somewhat alarming if not actually insanitary “video installation with animatronic sculpture” entails a journey through a felt-lined room, where a bunch of people are filmed rehearsing a play about being stuck inside God’s bottom.” (Adrian Searle writes in the Guardian).

Entry is 2,50.