IDFA by Night 2013: Little World

27 Haz 2013

Albert laat zich nergens door tegenhouden en helemaal niet door zijn rolstoel. Hij bezocht tientallen landen, met slechts 20 euro op zak.


Levensgenieter Albert laat zich nergens door tegenhouden en helemaal niet door zijn rolstoel. Als negentienjarige bezocht hij tientallen landen, met de sport om rond te komen met twintig euro op zak en te vertrouwen op de goedheid van de mensen die hij onderweg treft. Samen met zijn vriendin Anna reist hij deze keer naar een vuurtoren in Nieuw-Zeeland. Het wordt een zwaar maar fantastisch avontuur dat ze samen helemaal zelf filmen. Uit interviews met zijn oma, stiefmoeder en vader blijkt dat die onverwoestbaar optimistische jongen als kind nogal wat ellende heeft doorgemaakt. De familieleden en de ouders van Anna vertellen waarom ze hun kinderen zo'n reis laten maken.

Taal: Engels | Ondertiteling: Engels

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Little World


Albert loves life, and he won't let anything get in his way, least of all his wheelchair. He's only 19, but he's already traveled to dozens of countries. He's made a sport of leaving with only 20 euros in his pocket and putting his faith in the innate goodness of people he meets along the way. And he has plenty of other tricks up his sleeve to get into places free of charge if he needs to. This time, his destination is as far away as possible from his home in Barcelona: a lighthouse in New Zealand. For the first time, he will not be alone, because his girlfriend Anna will be joining him. It's impossible to hitchhike with a camera team in your wake, so they decide to film their adventures themselves. They experience plenty of amazing stuff, but sometimes things get tough, especially for Anna, who can't always keep up with Albert. They have agreed that the filmmakers will join them in New Zealand for the last part of their trip. Through interviews with his grandmother, stepmother and father, we discover that this irrepressibly optimistic young man had a pretty tough time as a boy. He and his father have dealt with his problem in a remarkable way. With animations in the background, Anna's parents and various members of Albert's family explain why they let them go on this journey.

Language: English | Subtitles: English
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