
Disco Robot Workshop

Make your own little dancing robot-creature!

9 Nis 2010
10 Nis 2010

See the fantastic results on Christian Faubels website.

Ralf and Christian are our favorite roboticians. With their funny and super creative ideas, participants of all levels can make amazing tiny robots, with very little material, in a very short time. The results give permanent joy!


Robot Disco Party - Deborah M. Kōdō


Ralf Schreiber and Christian Faubel are giving amazing robot workshops at Mediamatic since 2006. Every year we invite them, and every time they have new ideas for very cool robots. Made with very little materials and accessible for people of all levels. Contrary to what people use to think, these robots are not expensive and do not require complex programming.
Ralf and Christian will be assisted by Cordula Körber (who came up with the brilliant Schmelzolan part of last year's robotic workshops).


In one and a half day you will learn how to make a walker robot that moves all by itself!
The first day we start with the technical part, where you solder the circuit and work on the mechanics of the walker.
The second day you start customizing your little robot walker and make it look like a crazy colorful shiny creature.
Another workshop will take place simultaneously where children and their parents will make robot masks. (Read more about this shortly). Both workshops are finished at the same time, and then a DJ will play some funky tunes to which we can all together make a mini disco party!


Disco robot workshop - Arden de Raaij


Sinds 2006 geven Ralf Schreiber en Christian Faubel robot workshops bij Mediamatic. - Arden de Raaij


Disco robot workshop - Arden de Raaij


Disco robot workshop - Arden de Raaij


Disco robot workshop - Arden de Raaij


Disco robot workshop - Arden de Raaij


Disco robot close-up - 8 en 9 April: Trainers Ralf Schreiber en Christian Faubel zijn onze favoriete 'roboticians' en geven al sinds 2006 workshops bij ons. Telkens verrassen ze ons weer met hun creatieve ideeen voor minimalistische robots die met heel weinig materiaal en weinig technische voorkennis te maken zijn. De eerste dag van de workshops solderen we het circuit en werken we aan de mechanische aspecten van de robot. De volgende dag solderen we de laatste stukjes aan elkaar en gaan we de kleine bewegende… Arden de Raaij


Disco robot workshop - Arden de Raaij


Disco robot workshop - Arden de Raaij


Disco robot workshop - Arden de Raaij

With: Sasj

Robotic dog? - Arden de Raaij


09-04-2010 Robot - Disco Robot Workshop -   Ralf Schreiber and Christian Faubel are Mediamatic's favourite robot radicals. Every year they come with a new, innovative and stimulating workshop. This year they teach participants how to make their own walking or dancing robot in a day and a half. During the first day the emphasis is on the technical part of the construction. On the second day the participants can customize their robot. April 2010. Ralf Schreiber and Christian Faubel are Mediamatic's favorite robot radicals. Every year… Arden de Raaij


Robot taking its first steps - 2010 Made during the Disco Robot Workshop, April 2010 at Mediamatic Bank. The workshop was given by Ralf Schreiber and Christian Faubel. Apr 10: Ralf Schreiber and Christian Faubel are Mediamatic's favorite robot radicals. Each year they come up with an innovative, exciting new workshop. This year they taught participants to build a walking robot in just one and a half days. The first day focused on the technical part of the construction, making sure the mechanics worked and everything was in its… Arden de Raaij


Picture of Carla Zorzo's robot (used with her permission). - This robot is made here .