
Prototype Dev Camp

Learn how to make social RFID projects in just 5 days!

1 Mayıs 2010
5 Mayıs 2010

Prototype Dev Camp is a five day learning experience. You will explore recent technologies and interactive processes and make your own prototype.

Mediamatic is looking for students who want to learn how to make RFID games, interactive installations and mobile apps. Apply HERE.


the third day is always hard - smashing the keyboard, material choices, lost code, confusion, backchannel issues, to many things at once. No signal. uɐɯʞuǝɯ ɐsoɹ


If you're a student programming, soft- and hardware developing, robotics, artificial intelligence, interaction- and product design from Amsterdam (under 23), you can participate in our Prototype Dev Camp for free! Read the application rules below. Mediamatic offers 30 students free participation!

How and what?

Basically it is 5 days of hard work, starting with a brainstorm, designing a concept, and eventually making the physical output (the prototypes of installations, games or objects). The theme of the camp will be about the fixed gear bike culture. On May 8th we open a new exhibition about this interesting phenomena.

We will have a huge amount of Mifare RFID readers and (ik) tags. We also have all kinds of Arduino boards, sensors, and all the other necessary electronics and building materials to play and experiment with.

Working in a team

You will work in a team. The teams are composed in accordance with the skills of the participants. For instance, if you are a programmer you will be put in a team that has (interaction) designers, developers and visual / graphic participants. You never have to work alone on a project. The teams mostly consist of 4 people.


The teams will be guided and advised by:

  • Arjan Scherpenisse: Arjan is a new media artist, researcher and developer here at Mediamatic. His main interests are new media and technology (both software and hardware) and its relation to art. Keywords: anyMeta, soldering, RFID, A.I., max/msp/pd, ipod touch, wiimote, software development, OpenCV, OSC, Processing, face recognition.
  • Erik Borra: Erik is a new media developer at the University of Amsterdam's New Media program, a freelance programmer and web researcher with an extensive knowledge of RFID. The remainder of his time Erik works together with artists and designers on projects such as the WEX machine - a physical website recursively connecting the on- and the offline, iTea - an interactive RFID installation designed as a coffee table, and - a playlist recommendation mash-up between YouTube and Erik earned his BSc and MSc in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Amsterdam.
  • Ubi de Feo: Creative Developer, programmer, Arduino expert, Physical Computing. Owns the company Twodotone.
  • Machiel Veltkamp: Digital media designer. Machiel studied for three years scenography at the Theatre Faculty of the Utrecht school of Arts. Afterwards he switched to Design for Virtual Theatre and Games at the Theatre Faculty of the Utrecht school of Arts and graduated there in 2003 as Bachelor in Art and Technology. At the moment he is finalising his Master in Digital Environment Design at the Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti in Milan, Italy. Machiel is our atelier coordinator here at Mediamatic.


Saturday May 1 untill Wednesday May 5.


The Prototype Dev Camp takes place at the Mediamatic BANK, Vijzelstraat 68, Amsterdam.

Participate for free?

  • Maximum age for participation is 23 years.
  • You need to have some of the following skills: programming, soft- and hardware developing, robotics, artificial intelligence, interaction- and product design, and you have to study at a school in Amsterdam. (HBO, Art School or University).
  • Here you can find the application procedure. Please read this carefully.
  • We need to make a selection if we have too many applications. Try to convince us with your motivation - tell us why you should participate.

If you don't meet the requirements

Everybody can join this camp. Price for participation is € 1250 excl. 19 % VAT and needs to be paid a month before the camp starts. This includes the fantastic experience of this camp, the use of all the available technology and materials, expanding your knowledge and an opportunity to network with the best and most interesting people from this field in a stimulating atmosphere.

Any questions?

Please mail Deborah Meibergen