Orientation workshop #105

The workshop is full for resident artists, but there are still 4 places available for local artists to sit in on the sessions.

21 Eyl 2010
28 Eyl 2010
  • Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134, Amsterdam

Orientation workshop #105 by Frank Baldé, Takuro Mizuta Lippit, Daniel Schorno, Robert van Heumen, Kristina Andersen, Jonathan Reus, Wouter Jaspers, Laura Carmichel.


Steim - bron

STEIM Orientation workshops are held roughly once every two months. These workshops are ment as an introduction into the STEIM way of working, and form an ideal first contact between artists and STEIM. Participants are selected to study and explore the possible technical and artistic means available at STEIM for a potential future project (f.e. a compositional work or a personal electronic instrument). This will be achieved partly through lectures by the STEIM staff, partly through collaboration between the participants, and partly through (informal) contact with the STEIM staff regarding specific requirements and wishes of each participant. The orientation will take place in a classroom setting, in STEIM`s studio 3.

There are 4 places available that include a room in our guesthouse and a workstation setup with the STEIM software and some additonal controllers, ment for participants from abroad. 4 additional places are available to local artists or people that arrange their own lodging, for those who wish to attend the lectures held that week. To apply for participation in an Orientation workshop you can send an email to knock@steim.nl with your motivation accompanied by your resumé, bio and links to audio/visual materials online.

This workshop will be from 21 - 28 September 2010.

A typical Orientation workshop schedule:

Arrival and check in.
11-13h: STEIM tour and general introduction (Robert van Heumen)
13h: STEIM Lunch
14-16h: LiSa introduction and demo (Robert van Heumen)
16h: short participants introduction for STEIM staff
11-13h: junXion introduction (Frank Baldé)
14-16h: Applied LiSa & JunXion with eponymous instruments (Daniel Schorno)
11-13h: Interaction Design (Kristina Andersen)
14-16h: Thinking about new instruments (Taku Mizuta Lippit)
Digesting the information from the first 3 days. No STEIM staff is present.
11-13h: Artist talk
14-16h: Artist talk
Tuesday Apr 6:
11-13h: Artist talk
13h: STEIM Lunch
14-16h: Individual talks to look for future possibilities
Check out and departure.