Interactive Landscapes

Book launch, Daan Roosegaarde

27 Eki 2010

Artist and architect Daan Roosegaarde builds interactive landscapes – installations that respond intuitively to sound and motion. His first book, Interactive Landscapes, gives a futuristic view of everyday reality.


Cover - Joris van Ballegooijen

Roosegaarde’s work is a dynamic fusion of architecture, design and technology with human interaction at its center. Sculptures like Dune, Liquid Space, Flow and Intimacy form a “tactile high-tech" environment, in which the viewer and the space become one. Roosegaarde calls this connection between design and content and between ideology and technology “technopoetry.”

Interactive Landscapes gives a full overview of Daan Roosegaarde’s projects so far, thus showing how his work has evolved. Adele Chong (editor of Blueprint Asia) and Timo de Rijk (special professor in Design Cultures at Delft Technical University ) have contributed essays. Chong’s focuses on Roosegaarde as an artist, and De Rijk writes about Roosegaarde’s innovative works from the perspective of his extensive knowledge of product development and design.

Roosegaarde’s work Flow 5.0 won a Dutch Design Award for independent spatial design in 2009. His art has been exhibited at London’s Tate Modern and Victoria and Albert Museum and the Tokyo National Museum and in various public places.

Book launch
The launch of Interactive Landscapes, featuring a special program, will take place on October 27 at 8 p.m. at V2_Institute for the Unstable Media, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam. Daan Roosegaarde, Adele Chong and Timo de Rijk will be present. The book will be for sale at a reduced price of €25.