Massive Light Boner

New performance forms of noise and white light

17 Kas 2010
18 Kas 2010

Featuring: Loud Objects (US), Jamie Allen's Circuit Music (CA), Pixel Form (US), Jo Kazuhiro (JP), Chung-Han Yao (TW)

Presentation by Artists: Wednesday, Nov 17
Concert: Thursday, Nov 18


Massive Light Boner Flyer - Jonathan Reus

Massive Light Boner (MLB) is a project which brings together a set of contemporary performance artists with an interest in the possibilities of minimal and maximal use of white light and noise aesthetics. Hosted by STEIM ( and organized by Jamie Allen (, the project is an ensemble performance featuring a collection of conceptual noise/white-light artists from around the world, brought together for the first time, live. The project will culminate in a body of artistic research, highlighting and documenting the approaches and motivations of this emerging and radical performance form.

Presentation by Artists
Wednesday, Nov 17 2010
Venue: OT301 Cinema Room
Location: OT301, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam
Time: 17:00 - 19:00 hrs.
Charge: € 3

Thursday, Nov 18 2010
Venue: OT301
Location: OT301, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam
Time: 21:30 (doors open 21:00)
Entrance: € 6

For more information and artist bios visit STEIM online.


Jamie Allen - Circuit Music - Jamie Allen’s circuitMusic project started as a exercise in radical improvisation - analog oscillators were built from bare circuitry and a breadboard while performing. Since then the live show has turned into an noise-synthesis project where signals from the home-made performance rig are offered to the audience as both audible sound and stroboscopic white light. Light and noise are shaped and into drones and pulses of raw static and electricity. Jonathan Reus


Loud Objects - Tristan Perich, Kunal Gupta and Katie Shima create electronic noise with minimal components: microchips, a power jack, an audio jack, and wire. The group solders custom audio circuits live, creating audible fluctuations of electricity with these bare elements. The New York City-based trio stage their lush noise constructions with soldering irons on top of overhead projectors, slide projectors, flourescent light towers, and remodeled guitars. Jonathan Reus


Pixelform - Pixelform (Phillip Stearns) works with sound, light, electronics, found objects and biological systems, working directly with material to produce phenomenological experiences. His work approaches electronics as complex artificial living systems - creating new creatures for an electronic ecosystem. Phil shapes his hand-made systems into complex, generative systems. This is the sound of billions of neurons firing at once. Darkness is broken in brilliant eruptions of white light. Jonathan Reus


Yao Chung Han - An active member of the new generation of sound artists in Taiwan, YAO’s works are mostly concerned with sound, while at the same time, searching for the ultimate connections between video, installation, space and various media. Yao’s live sets launch synchronous sound and fluorescent lamp elements via manipulation of a green laser trigger. The tiny noises emmited from the fluorescent lamps are manipulated and re-amplified. Jonathan Reus


Kazuhiro Jo - Kazuhiro Jo is a researcher and an artist. In his performance work, Kazuhiro subtly shifts sine tones and noise emissions with a set of self-built handheld luminescent orbs. The result is a meditative experience of sound and light being molested and twisted. A prolific researcher focusing on music participation and acoustic design. Jo was a founding member of the Sine Wave Orchestra in Japan as well as an organizer of Dorkbot Tokyo. Jonathan Reus