
Provides a stage for exciting upcoming choreographers from Dansmakers Amsterdam

8 Kas 2010
13 Kas 2010

From November 8 - 13 PUNCH! will provide a stage for new dance talent. Expect exciting upcoming choreographers from Dansmakers Amsterdam, new developments in the international dance circuit (in cooperation with Aerowaves), and a masterclass in urban dance. The public program Counter|Punch! will evolve around virtual and physical strategies in making social contact.


Dansmakers - bron


Some headlines

Bellevue Theatre

Prossimo - Giulia Mureddu
08.11 (première) / 09.11 / 20.30h
Prossimo, is a multimedia dance performance, that deals with the subject of physical and virtual strategies for making social contact.

Counter|PUNCH! Reaction on Prossimo
Dansmakers in cooperation with Mediamatic

After the performance on November 9 there will be a talk, a conversation, a discussion, a reflection, a critical reaction on the piece and on the themes that the work provokes.

This discussion is organized in cooperation with Mediamatic. Speakers are amongst others: Willem Velthoven (director Mediamatic), Martin Butler (performance director and artist), Tonie van Ringelestijn (journalist and radio maker), Cecilia Moisio (choreographer), NS Giulia Mureddu (choreographer).

Iovidio - Gabriella Maiorino
10-11.11 / 20.30h
Raw and acid. Beyond surrendering to conformism and normality, in art and life, there’s a whole open space for creation.

Melkweg Theatre

Hi! My name is... - Cecilia Moisio
12.11 (première) / 13.11
Dancers and musicians confront their desire to escape loneliness via text, spoken word, rap and movement.

Four-day masterclass by Antoinette Gomis (F)
10 -13.11 / 15-19h Presentation Melkweg 13.11 / 23.30h
Sign up for this masterclass! In her workshop Antoinette Gomis focuses on new developments in funk styles, house and hiphop – the best of France.

You can find more information and the full program on Dansmakers' website.