Participatory Design Conference


13 Ara 2005
16 Oca 2006



ParticipART is an exhibition and discussion platform on participative forms of digital art to be held at MART (Museum of Modern Art of Trento and Rovereto, Italy) on 2-4 August, 2006.
ParticipART is the novel Art Track of the PARTICIPATORY DESIGN CONFERENCE 2006, "Expanding Boundaries in Design", which will take place in Trento, Italy on July 31-August 5, 2006.
Since 1990, the PARTICIPATORY DESIGN CONFERENCE (PDC) has been focusing on the design and development of computing and information technologies in diverse social contexts, with the active collaboration of people who use or are affected by these systems. Over the years, our design discussions have been enlivened and enriched by the efforts of musicians, architects, computer graphic designers and artists working across a wide range of disciplines. Artists presenting their work at PDC 2006 will enjoy a rare opportunity to reach a technically expert and socially engaged community of practitioners.

We are interested in creative practices that support new roles for visitors/viewers as active spect-actors and co-authors. Artists/designers working in the field of visual, installation, and performative arts are invited to submit projects that allows participants' interactions to become part of a piece of art or performance. Within this framework, submitted projects should address/explore themes related to conference topic "Expanding Boundaries in Design".

Submission deadline: January 16, 2006.
Please submit a 2 page description of the work you would like to exhibit, with links to previous work, its relation to the theme of PDC 2006, and the specific requirements for display.

Send your submission to:

Project submissions will be reviewed and curated by an
interdisciplinary group of experts in collaboration with Giorgio Verzotti, chief curator of MART (Museum of Modern Art of Trento and Rovereto, Italy,
For accepted works, a 2 page description will be included in the proceedings of PDC 2006 published by ACM in the International Conference series. In addition to the hardcopy form, papers will also be published via the web in ACM's Digital Library.

Selected projects will be displayed at MART as part of a special event with the opportunity for discussion and feedback from conference participants.

Giulio Jacucci, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (FINLAND) Bo Helgeson, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Ronneby, (SWEDEN)
Giorgio Verzotti, Museum of Modern Art of Trento and Rovereto (ITALY)
Art and Science Committee:
Debra Cash, National Public Radio and New Century Enterprises, Boston, MA (USA)
Elisa Giaccardi, L3D, University of Colorado at Boulder, (USA) Leah Lievrouw, University of California, Los Angeles (USA) Ina Wagner, Vienna University of Technology (AUSTRIA)