Day 2
General idea / system components
- Attach a motor to one/two circular kitting machine(s)
- Attach markers to stepper motors to change the color of the wool
- Use a breathalyzer to measure the level of alcohol
- Use a FSR, microphone or air bender to measure the blowing intensity
- Use arduino(s) to manage the game
Open questions
- Integration of the game in a social network
- Use a camera to record pictures or time-lapse of the games
- Use the ikTag for authentication
- Choose the knitting machine(s) to use - 2 small ones, 1 large one…
- Check how to measure the blowing intensity - FSR, microphone or air bender
- Disassemble the Tanita alcohol sensor and understand how the breathalyzer sensor works
- Assemble the motor shields
Day 3
General idea (update)
- The idea of changing the colors of the wool by measuring the blood alcohol concentration of the player was dropped. Instead each player will be assigned to one color.
- The players should coordinate to create an appealing color combination / pattern for the sock by controlling the blow intensity or by playing in turns.
- A camera will record the knitting process and the video will be displayed in real time vertically inverted
System components (update)
- Use ink printer cartridges to color the wool instead of using markers.
- Use a drill instead of a motor to rotate the knitting machine
Days 4/5
General idea (final)
- The game supports 3 players
- Each player is assigned to one of three colors: magenta, cyan or yellow
- The players should coordinate to create an appealing color combination / pattern for the sock by controlling the blow intensity or by playing in turns.
- A camera records the knitting process and the video is displayed in real time
System components (update)
- To measure the air intensity we use piezo buzzer sensors
- We use a drill to rotate the knitting machine
- To change the color of the wool string we use a sponge inside a container with ink
- The color of the wool is changed by making the string touch the sponge using a servo motor
- The video is processed using Processing
- Each player can log in the game using an RFID
- The motor and the coloring of the string are controlled with an Arduino Uno