Test_Lab: Tools for Art

16 Ara 2010

In this edition of Test_Lab we open the AR toolbox and thoroughly look at the various technologies that can be found inside. With live demonstrations of AR technologies and artworks.


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Martin Wiedmer (CH) | Bram Snijders and Carolien Teunisse (NL) | Jan Rothuizen and Hein Wils (NL) | Baschz Leeft and Buro Duplex (NL) | Sander Veenhof and Victor de Vries (NL) | Mirror Piece by Marnix de Nijs (NL), demonstrated by V2_Lab

People often think of augmented reality (AR) as a single technology, but a wide range of technologies (markers, tracking, mapping, etc.) can create augmented realities. This set of tools offers artists a rich variety of creative possibilities, yet relatively few artists seem aware of AR’s potential for their art practice. Every AR technology can give rise to a different experience; learning about each type’s properties helps an artist to determine which best suits his or her aims. An artist also needs to know where to access AR tools if he or she is to employ AR as a medium.

At Test_Lab: Tools for ARt, we will open the AR toolbox and look closely at the diverse technologies inside. Through live demonstrations of AR technologies and artworks, we will show which AR tools are available to artists and where. We will also shine light on the relationships between these technologies and the kinds of artistic experiences they can give rise to. As it is customary at Test_Lab, we will invite audience members to personally test all the demonstrated artworks and AR technologies.
