
developing interactive narrative content seminar

1 Mayıs 2006
7 Mayıs 2006

During the Developing Interactive Narrative Content Seminar pre-selected interactive narrative projects in development (no limitation on media, genre or target audience) will be provided in parallel with high-profile face-to-face consulting sessions (on financing, project management, marketing, story structure, interaction design...).

Consultants will be chosen according to the needs of the selected projects. For 2006 nine projects have been selected:
Class Crossed (N/Catherine Kahn + Team)/(IPTV) - a multi-perspective narrative web of everyday themes skewed into views of modern sexual and social mores in an entertaining and juvenile immediate telling.
Festina Lente (I/Cristian Bettini) - a project to produce
psychogeographic interactive content using the oldest ways of transportation combined with new technologies. Integration TV (FIN/Simon Staffans + team) - An interactive TV show about bringing opposites together. Missing (NL/Dylan Jones) - Interactive film (DVD) dealing with the sudden disappearance of a close person.
Mobi Concept (D/Volker Eloesser) - A mobile game containing a massive number of mini games.
Paddygames (IR/Michael J. Maguire) - (ITV-series) A funny soap-style comedy who dunnit with a technically innovative back end.
Past Perfect Phase III (A/ Florian Schmeiser)
A web-based entertaining teaching and learning environment.
Soap God (D/Uschi Siebauer) Interactive TV series giving the TV audience the power to put things right - in this eternal and repetitive game of looking for Mr/Mrs Right. Wrinkle: in the Stratosphere (IR/Linda Lewett) A unique interactive cinematic computer game designed for five adult players.

confirmed speakers/consultants o.a., so far: Frank Boyd, Unexpected Media/UK; Sibylle Kurz, D; Jurgen Wolff, timetowrite/UK; Matthias Rauterberg, /NL; Greg Roach, Hyperbole Studios/USA; Lee Sheldon, /USA; Frank Alsema, /NL; Mark Stephen meadows,; José Correia, ARTE/F, Laurence Rilly, ARTE/F

For details: