How's the fish?

Transgenic Art Experiment with Adam Zaretsky at Waag Society's Wetlab

15 Şub 2011

On the 15th of February, Bioartist Adam Zaretsky uncovers the emotional state of transgenic zebrafish and of those examining them. Participate in the experiment and the ethical discussion, followed by drinks and bites.

The Wetlab - where biotech meets art- is Waag Society’s research programme which investigates the link between art and science and examines the ethics of biotechnology.

16.00 Welcome and introduction Lucas Evers

16.10 Adam Zaretsky about his research project, the research method, the process and the final outcome

16.30 David Lauwrier and Huub de Groot reflect on the project of Zaretsky from their professional perspectives

16.40 Philosopher en bio-ethic Hub Zwart reflects on the project of Zaretsky from his professional perspective

16.50 Conversation, moderated by Lucas Evers about the role of Zaretsky and the relevancies for the scientific world (questions of the public)

17.30 Wrapping up. The public has the opportunity to join the artists experiment.


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