
The Kimchi edition; national dish and hipster staple

29 Kas 2015

Fungal growth, acidification, decay.. it sounds dirty, but it's these processes that make your beer and cheese taste so delicious. Mediamatic is not afraid of a few little bacteria and brings you an homage to fermentation with Zuursalon. This time we will discover the world that is called Kimchi! With food technologist Sebastiaan Hetterschijt, June Park on her grandmothers recipe and Alexander Boyce who went from the food desert to being a kimchi connoisseur.

More info about the tastings will be added shortly after.


Freshly made Kimchi, before the fermentation proces - June Park made the first batch of Kimchie with chinese cabbage as a preparation for the kimchie workshop. June Park (KR)

About de Zuursalon

The human-microbial superorganism is a vast ecological system, subject to the same rules of resistance, resilience, and balance as any ecosystem on the planet. The sooner you learn to tend your microbial garden, the sooner you will understand how human ecology and your health is nothing more than understanding our history and place in the larger biosphere.


Leslie Dronkers at the zuursalon - Leslie Dronkers talking about fermentation at the zuursalon


Kimchi edition - Leslie Dronkers asking a question to Alexander Boyce during his presentation at the Kimchi edition of Zuursalon. Margherita Soldati

The Kimchi edition

Kimchi is a fermented Korean dish, using a variety of vegetables (such as cabbage or raddish) and seasoning (chillipepper, ginger, spring onion). Kimchi is deeply rooted in the Korean culture and is far more than just a dish. Now the popularity of Kimchi rising all over the world and the dish has been baptized 'hipster food'.

June Park

There is so much we don't know about Kimchi. Did you know Koreans have a special Kimchi refrigerator in their house? And what is the link between Kimchi and cheese? June is currently doing an internship at Mediamatic and comes from Korea. She will enlighten us with some unknown Kimchi facts.


June Park presenting how to make kimchi - Margherita Soldati

Sebastiaan Hetterschijt

Sebastiaan is a food technologist and a Kimchi lover ever since five years ago he was introduced to the dish. With his catering company 'Uit het Vuistje' he offers Korean catering with Kimchi. He will discuss Kimchi at the Zuursalon, not as an end product but rather as a process of making.


Sebastiaan Hetterschijt - Owner from catering company Uit het vuistje, specialised in Kimchi. Hetterschijt joined the Kimchi edition of the Zuursalon


- Margherita Soldati

Alexander Boyce

Alex is from Dover, Delaware. He grew up with hotdogs, hamburgers and pizza. When Alex moved to the Netherlands he came in contact with different kinds of food, especially Kimchi caught his eye. He recognized the dish because his grandmother used to make it for him back in the USA. Alex was instantly hooked. He is started his very own kimchi catering startup which was a huge succes. Besides the traditional kimchi dish he also makes Kimchi oysters which he will bring to Zuursalon.


Kimchi oysters - Made by Alex Boyce, and for the Zuursalon Kimchi edition Alex Boyce (US)


Alexander presenting how to make kimchi - Margherita Soldati


Zuursalon: Kimchi Edition
Sunday 29 November, 16.00
Tickets: €10,- (Including Mediamatic Membership and tastings) €5,- for members

Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijkspark 6, Amsterdam.