
1 Nis 2011

Main theme: Challenges of a contemporary heritage city and public-private partnerships

Hosts: Ms. Tracy Metz and Mr. Paul Morel


Nieuwezijdse Voorburgwal 87-99 before renovation -

09.00-09.30 Arrival base group and public

09.30-09.40 Word of welcome on behalf of Stadsherstel and presentation on the restoration of Church De Duif by Mr. Onno Meerstadt.

09.40-10.20 Keynote speech by Mr. Ron van Oers, on the current developments and various aspects of the debate on the preservation of urban heritage within UNESCO. Mr. van Oers is program specialist at the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and keynote speaker at the forum. Special focus on difference between well protected historic cities vs. cities under threat, with possible toolkit based on best practices.

10.20-10.40 Presentation by Mr. Niek Hoek on Stadsherstel as an example of a public-private partnership, with a focus on the financing and structure of the organization. Mr. Hoek is Chairman of the Executive Board of Delta Lloyd Group and future Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Stadsherstel.

10:40-10:50 2nd Intermezzo: A livable heritage city vs. social media: short presentation by Mediamatic

10.50-11.15 Coffee break

11.15-12.15 Panel on the challenges of a developing heritage city and special focus on lessons to be learned, with Mr. Ron van Oers, Mr. Abderrahim Kassou and Mr. Nevil van der Kuyp. The topic is introduced by Mr. Michiel van Iersel, moderator of this session. Mr. Kassou is Director of Casamémoire, a Moroccan non-profit organization on the preservation of urban heritage. Mr. van der Kuyp is co-founder of Stadsherstel Paramaribo, Suriname. Mr. van Iersel is co-founder of Non-fiction, an Amsterdam bureau for cultural, urban and technological innovation.

12.15-12.30 Church De Duif – Church Amstelkerk

12.30-13.15 Lunch at the Church Amstelkerk

13.15-13.30 Church Amstelkerk – Church De Duif

13.30-13.40 Presentation by Ms. Fatima Mzallassi on the outcome of the youth forum, introducing the winners of the congress’ design competition. Ms. Mzallassi is Director of Creative Urbans, a Dutch project bureau that designs urban development projects, especially for youngsters.

13.40-14.25 The three winning groups present their vision on redevelopment projects in Amsterdam

14.25-15.10 Tea break with review session on the youth visions

15.10-15.30 Presentation on modern urban developments within a heritage city by Mr. Mels Crouwel. Mr. Crouwel is architect and former Chief Government Architect of the Netherlands.

15.30-16.30 Panel discussion World Heritage under threat?, with Mr. Mels Crouwel, Mr. Jean-Paul Corten and Mr. Pieter Siebinga. Mr. Corten is coordinator international cooperation at the Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency and Mr. Siebinga is Director of the Dutch National Restoration Fund. The moderator of this session is Ms. Esther Agricola, Head of the Department of Monuments and Archaeology of the City of Amsterdam.

16.30-16.45 Reflection on the forum by Mr. Anthony Tung.

16.45-17.15 Closing of the day, including voting for and announcing of public winner youth visions by Ms. Carolien Gehrels. Ms. Gehrels is Alderman of Economic Affairs, Art, Culture and Monuments for the City of Amsterdam.

17.15-19.00 Informal reception