Sun Set Series

Fleur van Dodewaard

26 Mar 2011
30 Nis 2011

Fleur van Dodewaard (Haarlem, 1983) graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in photography in 2010. In her work Van Dodewaard examines the possibilities of photography and tries to stretch its limits. An existing piece of art is often the starting point for her work. Themes such as originality, authorship and reproduction play an important role. By reacting to art historical genres and subjects she emphasizes the relationship between contemporary images and images from the past. In the context of this history her work gets new meaning.


Sun Set Series, #5 - Found on Artpocalypse Collective , made by Fleur van Dodewaard

Van Dodewaard creates her photographs in her studio, where she constructs her own models, sculptures and spaces, often using found materials. On her work Van Dodewaard states: “Making a photograph I implement as little visual information as possible to give the image the right to exist. Therefore the images both have a concrete and an abstract character. For me it’s all about the visual startingpoint of an idea that creates room for interpretation.”


For her last series of photographs and the homonymous solo-exhibition at Artpocalypse Collective, Sun Set Series, Van Dodewaard took up the most cliché subject in photography. Using an object that can’t actually be captured in a photograph she constructs and commemorates the everlasting moment of romance in amateur photography.


The exhibition Sun Set Series by Fleur van Dodewaard opens the 26th of March and will be on show until April 30th 2011 at Artpocalypse Collective.