OpenToko 26 – VVVV for Audio Visualization

A workshop about the graphical programming language VVVV and how to use it for Audio Visualizations.

3 Mayıs 2011

vvvv is a graphical programming environment for easy prototyping and development. It is designed to facilitate the handling of large media environments with physical interfaces, real-time motion graphics, audio and video that can interact with many users simultaneously.

Skills gained by taking this workshop:
- visual programming basics
- audio analyzing basics
- Incorporate new tools into traditional media

The workshop is given by Enrique Arce, a mixed-media performer that explores constantly what can be achieved when merging code with different artistic disciplines or expressions.


Audio Visualization made by Enrique Arce with VVVV - Audio Visualization made by Enrique Arce with VVVV Rick Companje

An OpenToko workshop on VVVV will take place in DeWar at Kleine Koppel 40 in Amersfoort on May 3rd from 17:00 till 22:00.

register here:

“vvvv is a graphical programming environment for easy prototyping and development. It is designed to facilitate the handling of large media environments with physical interfaces, real-time motion graphics, audio and video that can interact with many users simultaneously. Responsible for its development is the vvvv group. vvvv is free for non-commercial use.”


Participants are receiving a basic but intensive 4/5 hour vvvv treatment. The objective is to review the basic functions, and fundamentals to make their own audio visualisations, students will be taught in a nutshell how to analyze music, create assets, animate them in real time according to music, and export their results. The program incorporates parallel thinking when creating a patch, which tries several paths to get from point A to B, resulting in experimentation and new results.

Target groups

People targeted are designers, artists, students, Vj/Dj’s , programmers, teachers and media related workers who want to make a dive into real-time graphics, visual programming is easier to approach to people who work in media or visual related departments. People with existing programming skill can join and learn about an alternative way to code.

Skills gained by taking this workshop:

- visual programming basics
- audio analyzing basics
- Incorporate new tools into traditional media


The workshop is given by Enrique Arce, a mixed-media performer that explores constantly what can be achieved when merging code with different artistic disciplines or expressions.

Participation & costs

If you’re interested to attend please bring a laptop with VVVV installed (download it from Windows is preferred but VVVV also runs in Bootcamp on a Mac.

The cost for the workshop is up to you. You can choose how much the knowledge is worth to you. There will be a honesty box for your cash donations. You can also ask for a bill if you don’t want to pay cash.
There is a limit of 20 participants for the workshop so please register here.


“Get inspiration or technical help for your own creative projects, and share your tinker tricks with others.” is a knowledge sharing community, set up around a series of open workshops in the field of art and technology. For each OpenToko a topic is set and speakers are invited to share their knowledge and experience in that field. As a location we choose the workshop of one of the participants. Everybody is welcome and everybody should share the knowledge they have, which doesn’t mean you have to know a lot to join. However, if you let us know the topics about which you know something, we’ll ask you to teach (part of) a OpenToko workshop next time.

We are not a funded organisation. We ask you to make a donation for what the knowledge you have gained from the workshop is worth to you.

OpenToko was initiated by Rick Companje, Diana Wildschut and Harmen Zijp.