Quantified Self #3

Self knowledge through numbers

16 Mayıs 2011

Are you interested in self-tracking? Do you use a computer, mobile phone, electronic gadget, or pen and paper to record your work, sleep, exercise, diet, mood, or something else? Would you like to share your methods and learn from what others are doing?


Quantified Self -

About QS
Quantified Self is a collaboration between users and toolmakers who share an interest in self knowledge through self-tracking. Information is being exchanged between personal projects, tools we use, tips we’ve gleaned and lessons we’ve learned.

Show & Tell
Show & Tell are face-to-face meetings where you can see QS projects first hand and meet QS people in your local area. The meetings started in the San Francisco Bay Area, but local chapters are springing up all over the world (look at the map).

Quantified Self Amsterdam #3 is a regular ‘Show & Tell’ for people in Amsterdam who take advantage of various personal self-tracking tools and methods to gain more knowledge about themselves, others and the world around them. Come share what you are doing and learn from others!

May 16th, 19:30 – 22:00

Waag Society, Nieuwmarkt 4, Amsterdam

On May 1th 1:00 AM signing up will start. You can sign up here: http://www.meetup.com/qsamsterdam/#initialized.
Follow @qs_ams for further details.

Location tracking
Lifelogging, lifecaching, lifestreaming
Behavior monitoring
Digitizing body info
Biometric data
Psychological self-assessments
Medical self-diagnostics


Nike + iPod
The Nike+iPod Sports Kit is a device which measures and records the distance and pace of a walk or run. As you run, your iPod, iPhone 3GS, or iPhone 4 tells you your time, distance, pace, and calories burned. And it gives you feedback at the halfway point and in the final lead-up to your goal. You can also see the details of your workout.

Sleep Cycle
The Sleep Cycle alarm clock is a bio-alarm clock that analyzes your sleep patterns and wakes you when you are in the lightest sleep phase. This feels like waking without an alarm clock – a natural way to wake up where you feel rested and relaxed. Sleep Cycle has become a huge success with a #1 paid app position in many countries, including Germany, Japan and Russia.