HotpotLab#17 - Hacked Sounds

Noise/electro concert by Juan Matos Capote & Blipvert

5 Haz 2011

HPL#17 will feature a special concert by circuit bend master Juan Matos Capote and wild electro-maestro Blipvert. Capote will be wrapping up his 2 day workshop by playing together with his students on newly bent instruments. Blipvert will be undergoing an artistic residency to refine his live setup through our on-going collaboration with Dutch music label Eat Concrete. It will be a rare occasion to see these acts up close and it's FREE!


Hotpot17 Logo - STEIM Agent

Date: Sunday, June 5
Venue: STEIM, Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134, Amsterdam
Time: 20.30 hrs. (door open 20:00)
Charge: Free

For more info and artist bios visit