Brandbrief internationale top podiumkunsten tegen de cultuurbezuiningen in Nederland

19 Haz 2011

June 19 2011
To State secretary of Education, Culture and Science Halbe Zijlstra,
Dear members of the Dutch Parliament,


<strong>cross</strong> - maaike lauwaert

The arts scene across the world is shocked to hear of the extent of the cuts to the arts announced by the State secretary of Education, Culture and Science Halbe Zijlstra, and of the disastrous impact these cuts will have on the health and reputation of the Dutch arts sector.
The Netherlands’ rich and diverse arts culture has long been recognised as a beacon of excellence across Europe. In the performing arts field, it owes its outstanding reputation largely to the innovative and daring work made by its independent artists, small and medium size companies, which will now be the ones hit the hardest by the new policy. Internationally it is really exceptional that such a carefully balanced and unique structure for supporting independent artists and smaller companies in the performing arts has been developed. Dutch artists profoundly and positively influence the fabric of Dutch society and their work travels across borders to theatres, festivals and cultural houses internationally, inspiring audiences throughout the world. The cuts proposed, of 200 million a year, will adversely affect the dynamic, innovative independent sector and constitute cultural vandalism. They will have a cataclysmic impact on the Dutch arts ecology and on audiences and communities in the Netherlands and beyond. They are also extremely short-sighted: for relatively modest levels of investment Dutch artists are international standard bearers for the artistic excellence, innovation and tolerance your country can be so justly proud of. The theatre and dance will suffer the worst consequences of the cuts. The impact, for example, of an overall cut in the theatre budget of 56% and the dance budget of 40% will dramatically damage the Dutch performing arts scene for years to come.
The market and private philanthropy is not the quick win solution the State Secretary and the Prime Minister believe it is. A culture of private giving develops not overnight, but over generations and needs to be supported by structural tax incentives.
We all recognize that the arts need to share the burden of budget deficits and cannot be singled out as a special case. However cuts on this scale, which will strangle innovation, will cause irreversible damage to the arts in the Netherlands and be felt across Europe. We, the undersigned, implore Halbe Zijlstra and the members of the Dutch Parliament to reconsider the scale and distribution of these cuts and preserve the infrastructure necessary to maintain the climate of innovation and creativity.

Mark Ball, artistic director
London international festival of Theatre
London, U.K.

Vincent Baudriller, director
Festival d'Avignon
Avignon, France

Thomas Oberender, artistic director theatre
Salzburger Festspiele
Salzburg, Austria

Peter Sellars
Theatre director
New York, USA

Frie Leysen, curator
Spielzeit Europa
Berliner Festspiele 2012

Frank Castorf, artistic director
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
Berlin, Germany

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
BrBrussels, Belgium

Oskar Eustis, artistic director
The Public Theater
New York Shakespeare Festival
New York, U.S.A.

Johan Simons, artistic director
Münchner Kammerspiele
München, Germany

Marie Collin, director
Festival d’Automne,
Paris, France

Sasha Waltz / Jochen Sandig and the whole team of
Sasha Waltz & Guests
Berlin, Germany

Jossi Wieler, artistic director
Staatsoper Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany

Marianne Van Kerkhoven, dramaturg
Brussels, Belgium

Matthias Lilienthal, artistic director
Hebbel am Ufer theater
Berlin, Germany

Marie-Hélène Falcon, director
Festival TransAmériques
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Tim Etchells
artist and Artistic Director Forced Entertainment
Sheffield, UK

Christophe Slagmuylder, artistic director,
Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels

Claire Verlet
Adjointe pour la danse
Theatre de la Ville
Paris, France

Anita Mathieu, director
Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis,
Paris, France

Prof. Heiner Goebbels
Institute for Applied Theatre Studies / Justus Liebig University
Giessen, Germany

Rene Pollesch, associate director
Berlin, Germany

Jan Goossens
Brussels, Belgium

William Kentridge
South Africa

Michael Freundt, ass. director
ITI - Network for the performing arts,
Berlin, Germany

Anselm Weber, artistic director
Schauspielhaus Bochum
Bochum, Germany

Romeo Castellucci
Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio
Cesena, Itally

James C. Nicola, artistic director
New York Theatre Workshop
New York, USA

Didier Fusillier, director
Le Manège - Scène Nationale - Maubeuge ,
festival VIA ;
directeur van Maison des Arts Créteil/Paris,
Lille 3000

Jerome Bel, artistic director
Jerome Bel company
Paris, France

Wim Vandekeybus, Kristien De Coster
Ultima Vez
Brussels, Belgium

Dieter Buroch
Intendant + Geschäftsführer
Künstlerhaus Mousonturm
Frankfurt, Germany

Tom Stromberg theatre producer and festival director,
Berlin, Germany

Niels Ewerbeck, director
Theaterhaus Gessnerallee
Zurich, Switzerland

Ong Keng Sen, artistic director
Theatreworks Singapore
Singapore, Singapore

Philip Bither, senior curator Performing Arts
Walker Art Center
Minneapolis, USA

Gurur Ertem, artistic director
iDANS Festival
Istanbul, Turkey

Prof. Dr. Hans-Thies Lehmann,
professor in retirement,
formerly Goethe University, Frankfurt(Main)
Berlin, Germany

Rose Fenton,
Independent Arts Producer and Advisor
London, UK

Veronica Kaup-Hasler Intendantin and Florian Malzacher, curator
Steirischer Herbst Festival
Graz, Austria

Thomas Walgrave, artistic director
Alkantara festival Lisbon

Patrick Pernin directeur
Théâtre National de Bordeaux en Aquitaine
Bordeaux, France

Loughlin Deegan, artistic director
Ulster Bank Dublin Theatre Festival
Dublin, Ireland

Vallejo Gartner, artistic director
P.S. 122,
New York, USA

Janez Jansa

Tilman Broszat, artistic director
Theaterfestival Spielart
Munich, Germany

Amelie Deuflhard, artistic director
theater Kampnagel
Hamburg, Germany

Scott deLahunta, managing director
The Forsythe Company
Frankfurt, Germany

Peter Eckersall,
School of Culture & Communication, University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia

Helene Lesterlin
EMPAC, Rensselaer University
New York, USA

Isabelle Launay, professor Dance Departement
Paris, France

Meg Stuart, artistic director and John Zwaenepoel, company manager
Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods
Brussels, Belgium

Sally De Kunst, director
Fribourg, Switzerland

Kathrin Tiedemann, artistic director
Forum Freies Theater
Düsseldorf, Germany

Susanne Foellmer
Institut für Theaterwissenschaft
Freie Universität Berlin
Berlin, Germany

Franck Bauchard, director
La Panacée,
Montpellier, France

Bojana Kunst,
University of Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany

Nicholas Ridout
Department of Drama, Queen Mary University of London,

Joe Kelleher,
Roehampton University,
London, UK

György Szabó
Trafo House
Budapest, Hungary

Willie White, artistic director
Project Art Centre
Dublin, Ireland

Katleen Van Langendonck, programmer
Brussels, Belgium

Brigitte Kasslatter
Bern, Switzerland

Berit Schuck,
c/o Ashkal Alwan,
Beirut, Lebanon

Eva-Maria Hoerster, Managing Director
Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin
Berlin, Germany

Efva Lilja, professor and vice-chancellor,
University of dance and Circus
Stockholm Sweden

Johan Widén, professor fine art, pro vice-chancellor
University of Dance and Circus
Stockholm, Sweden

Prof.Dr. Sibila Petlevski
Academy of Dramatic Arts, University of Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia

Emina Višni?, director
Zagreb Center for Independent Culture and Youth
Zagreb, Croatia

Barbara Raes,
Kunstencentrum BUDA
Kortrijk, Belgium

Frédéric Mazelly,
Director of Performing Arts, Parc et Grande Halle de la Villette
Paris, France

Cis Bierinckx, director
Brussels, Belgium

Myriam Van Imschoot
independent artist, scientist, playwright
Brussels, Belgium

Dr Heike Roms FRSA
senior lecturer in performance studies, department of theatre, film and television studies, Aberystwyth University
Aberystwyth, UK

Outi Järvinen
Zodiak - Center for New Dance
Helsinki, Finland

Folkert Uhde / Jochen Sandig
and the whole team of Radialsystem V
Berlin, Germany

Kerstin Müller, Bettina Sluzalek, Franziska Werner, Ilka Seifert, Jochen Sandig, Sasha Waltz, Amelie Deuflhard and the whole team of
Berlin, Germany

Alexander Karschnia, artistic director
Berlin, Germany

Linda S. Chapman, associate artistic director
New York Theatre Workshop
New York, Germany

Goran Sergej Pristas, professor of dramaturgy
University of dramatic Arts
Zagreb, Croatia

Bojana Cvejic
Utrecht University, Theater Studies
Utrecht, The Netherlands

Carine Meulders
Antwerpen, Belgium

Tom Bonte
Director of Beursschouwburg Art Center
Brussels, Belgium

Festival de Otoño
Madrid, Spain

Dr David Dean
Full Professor and Co-Director, Carleton Centre for Public History,Department of History, Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Maria de Assis Swinnerton
Executive Coordinator, Gulbenkian Programme Education for Culture
Lisbon, Portugal

Laszlo Hudi, Katalin Erdodi
Moving House Foundation / Arcus Temporum Festival
Budapest, Hungary

Martina Hochmuth, dramaturge
Centre Choreographique de Rennes

André Lepecki, associate professor,
Performance Studies Tisch School of the Arts
New York, US

Anja Dirks
Festival Theaterformen
Hannover, Germany

Thomas Frank
Vienna, Austria

Walter Heun ?
Artistic Director
Vienna, Austria

Simon Dove
Director, School of Dance
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Arizona State University
Arizona, US

Theo Van Rompay, deputy director P.A.R.T.S.
On behalf of the community of dancers and choreographers at PARTS in Brussels
Brussels, Belgium

Yukihiko Yoshida
Dance critic

Geoff Cobham
Adelaide Festival
Adelaide, South Australia

Gordon Vajen
Freies Theaterhaus
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Johan Wambacq

Professor Sarah Whatley
Coventry University
Coventry, UK

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Klein
Universität Hamburg / Fakultät 4
FB Bewegungswissenschaft / Performance Studies
Hamburg, Germany

Wolfram Heberle
Head of Studies / Theater
Bern University of the Arts
Bern, Switzerland

David Micklem, David Jubb, artistic directors
Battersea Arts centre
London U.K.

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, artistic director / choreographer
Ida Jakobs
Ass. Director
Théâtre Garonne
1 ave du Château d'Eau
31300 Toulouse

Jean-Louis Martinelli
Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers
Nanterre/Paris, France

Andrea-Nartano Jacobsen
Responsible for international development
Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers
Nanterre/Paris, France

Marina Abramovic
performance artist
New York, USA

Robert Wilson
theatre director
New York

Mike Figgis
film and theatre director
London, UK

Gilbert Fillinger
Maison de la Culture d'Amiens
Amiens, France

Benoît André
Festival Automne
Normandie, Rouen, France

Fabien Janelle
Office National de Diffusion Artistique (ONDA)
Paris, France

Gilbert Fillinger
Maison de la Culture d'Amiens
Amiens, France

Benoît André
festival Automne en Normandie
Rouen, France

Roberto Casarotto
Responsible International Dance Project
OperaEstate Festival,
Bassano del Grappa, Italy

José Alfarroba
Théâtre de Vanves
Scène conventionnée pour la danse