Trance travelling

Mediummatic, 5 days of alternative communication

9 Mayıs 2008

On the third day of the Sleep-Inn everyone had the chance to create their own ‘Trance Dance Video’. In the evening we all traveled the world of spirituality.

During the Sleep Inn there was a daily series of performances and workshops. Your hostesses were Melanie Bonajo and Kinga Kielczynska.


retro levitation -


Morning and Afternoon(11am - 5pm)

- Anyone could create their own trance dance video
- Material spiritual installation by Kinga Kielczynska en Melanie Bonajo

Evening (8pm - 10pm)

- Ritual trance journey performance (8pm- 8.30pm)
- Shaman drumming ritual
Movie and reading (8.30pm - 10pm)
- A movie about Carl Gustav Jung.
- A video by Julia Kasprzak with the lecture of Allan Watts

Night and Morning Rituals
Everyone could stay overnight. Visitors who made a reservation for a sleeping place in the Sleep-Inn were invited to a performance friendly environment with nocturnal care. There was space for 50 people per night and sleeping bags were there to rent. Admission was free if you had a Temporary Museum Passepartout or a ticket to the Art Amsterdam.

All participants were woken up in the morning by the lovely hosts Kinga and Melanie. Breakfast was coffee tasseography, dream interpretations and a Blessing of the Day ceremony.