STEIM, Jonathan Reus

SuperCollider users group

Discussions and tutorials on making sound with SuperCollider

14 Eyl 2011

Every month or so STEIM hosts the SuperCollider users group. A meeting place to learn more about SuperCollider, improve your existing knowledge, or share ideas and inspirations with musicians and sound artists. Through these user group meetings we'd like to encourage an open and connected community of artists using SuperCollider in the Netherlands.


SuperCollider users group banner -

Every month or so STEIM hosts the SuperCollider users group. A meeting place to learn more about SuperCollider, improve your existing knowledge, or share ideas and inspirations with musicians and sound artists. Through these user group meetings we'd like to encourage an open and connected community of artists using SuperCollider in the Netherlands.

We'll have expert tutorials for the first hour of each meeting followed by more in-depth discussions and sharing of work. Come present your work, either finished projects or works in progress, share the tools you have created and get feedback from other users. If you have questions on how to do certain things or want to learn how to do specific things within SuperCollider, we can look into these topics together.

The tutorial topic for this month will be about writing SynthDefs. What can you do inside a SynthDef and what not, what UGens can be used for what, how does this multichannel expansion really work, how can I figure out what is actually going on (debugging and introspection techniques) inside the SynthDef I'm writing?
The tutorials will be accessible for beginners, but also give some additional insights to intermediate users of SC.

Date: Wednesday, 14 September, 2011
Time: 19:00 h
Venue: Steim, Achtergracht 19, Amsterdam
Entry: Free

To keep up-to-date with meetings and group activities please sign up for the users group mailing list by sending an email to:

Please let us know via the mailing list or by sending an email to marije [at] steim [dot] nl if you have specific topics you'd like us to discuss, have something you'd like to present to the group, or are interested in giving a short tutorial session!

As always, STEIM will provide a studio space and a PA-system for your sound-making pleasure.