Nicolaos Zafiriou
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ASSOLUTO / THE ABSOLUTE -The Day of Defiance

Branko Miliskovic was performing his new long duration live performance on the 29th and the 30th of April 2011, in the Les Halles de Schaerbeek theatre in Brussels, Belgium. It was a premiere of his new work, entitled ASSOLUTO/ THE ABSOLUTE specially commissioned for TROUBLE #7 festival of live art. This performance was performed in two large images. The first image entitled ‘’The Speech’’ was showing the body of Miliskovic as a ruler who is announcing the greatest offensive of the battle which will never happen. In the second image entitled ‘’The Day of Defiance’’ , Miliskovic took the defensive body, surrounded by four big red flags, pledging , waving , saluting and waiting for the song of Sacred War, facing his debacles and eventual triumph.

Performance by : Branko Miliskovic
Duration : 2 days per 4 hours
Premiere : ( Friday) April 29, ( Saturday) April 30 / 2011
Beginning : 18h Ending : 22h
Les Halles de Schaerbeek,
Brussels ,Belgium

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