Workshop Simple Genetic Algorithms

17 Ara 2011

In this workshop programmers, designers, artists, and electro-tinkerers develop ideas for new, simple genetic algorithms that produce image or sound or that fabricate objects. Genetic algorithms are computational techniques that mimic biological evolutionary processes. Applied in design fields, they can generate unpredictable form solutions and variability in answer to design goals.


genetic-algorithm -

After an artistic and technical introduction participants generate ideas in groups with mixed skills and develop their ideas in a guided process. The workshop will be introduced and coached programmer and artist Luis Rodil-Fernández.

The workshop consists of three sessions spread over 6 weeks. The process documented on a blog on the The aim is to develop work and documentation material that will be part of the exhibition Things That Mind Their Own Business and the Transnatural festival exhibition in may 2012 in the NEMO Science Center.

price: € 25 / half day, incl. lunch
duration ± 4 hours, 3 half days over a period of 6 weeks
dates: Sat. 17 Dec., Sat. 14 Jan., Sat. 28 Jan. 10.00h

Registration and questions via