STEIM, Jonathan Reus

Amsterdam Max Meet-up

Monthly meet-up for MaxMSP and Max for Live users @STEIM

16 Ara 2011

Every month or so, STEIM hosts a casual meet-up for Max for Live and MaxMSP users to gather and share their work. Through these meet-ups we hope to encourage a strong sense of community and collaboration in Max users in the Netherlands. Come discuss your latest work, either finished projects or works in progress, share the patches and devices you have created and get constructive support for problems you might be having.


Max for Live Meetup Banner -

This friday (December 16) there will be a new Max for Live users meetup @ STEIM. Danny de Graan will demo a new Max for Live device that imitates an old electronic tape technique which was developed by Karlheinz Stockhausen in the late fifties. Later there will be some problem solving with MaxDuino, interfacing Max and Max for Live with an Arduino. As always there is plenty of time to present your own projects and if you have problems with a patch or device or just want to listen you are more then welcome.

About the Amsterdam Max Meet-up:
Every month or so, STEIM hosts a casual meet-up for Max and Max for Live users to gather and share their work. Through these meet-ups we hope to encourage a sense of community and collaboration of Max users in the Netherlands. Come discuss your latest work, either finished projects or works in progress, share the patches and devices you have created and get constructive support for problems you might be having. If you have specific questions about Max/MSP and Max for Live, or want to learn to do specific things using Max, then we can look into these topics together.

This meet-up is hosted by local composer and MaxMSP expert Danny de Graan

Date: Friday, 16 December, 2011
Time: 19:00 h
Venue: Steim, Achtergracht 19, Amsterdam
Entry: Free

For more information about meetings or if you have questions about Max and Max for Live please sign up for our mailing list by sending an email to: amsterdam-maxforlive-users+subscribe AT googlegroups DOT com

We encourage you to bring your work along. STEIM will provide a studio space, projector (VGA), and PA-system for your sound-making pleasure.