Marije Oostindie
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480 x 427 İndir

Mural by Atelier Aandacht at Club Lite

The World of Wonders
Created by Atelier Aandacht & Friends

This colourful mural kind of explodes from the three walls of Club Lite's lounge.
Saraswati, goddess of Creative Flow, flies trough the heavens on her gracious swan. Shakti and Shiva represent the principles of Energy and Awareness, from which all in Universe is created. Ganesha, Gatekeeper and Protector of all new beginnings, has taken up a strategic but relaxed position next to the entrance.

However wondrous tales it tells about divine flowers and exotic gods and godesses, the most wonderful aspect of this mural all is that it was painted with the help of many volunteering hands - some of them quite unexperienced painters. Volunteers loved their time of meditative working with Atelier Aandacht. Some of them returned to offer their help no less than thrice during the seven days of creation! Thanks to you all.

More images of the World of Wonders can be found [ here]
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