Cloud Chamber: Subatomic Aesthetics

27 Oca 2012

Observe laser-lit dance of electrons, positrons, muons and protons in a sub-zero (-200º C) vapour cloud. Mingle with scientists from the Physics and Astronomy Department (VU, Amsterdam) and Optofonica artists.


synergetica - subatomic particle trails illuminated by a white laser sheet Dmitry Gelfand

Please, arrive punctually; if late, call 0617035645 to enter the building

R.S.V.P. to and reserve your place | FREE ENTRANCE

This edition of Synergetica: ArtScience Society will feature Memory Vapor, a newly developed installation exploring subatomic aesthetics. Customarily beyond the reach of the senses, ionized nuclei, protons, electrons, as well as more exotic muons and antiprotons arrive from outer space at the rate of approximately a thousand particles per square meter per second. Most of them do not even originate in the solar system, but from within the galaxy, and the highest energy particles are likely of extragalactic origin. Traveling close to the speed of light, these cosmic rays are rendered visible by a white laser sheet as they traverse a supersaturated gas and leave behind threads of condensation droplets.

We are excited to welcome some special guests from the Biophysics Lab, Department of Physics and Astronomy at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

OPTOFONICA is an Amsterdam-based laboratory for immersive art-science engaged in the research, production and dissemination of artworks investigating photonics, acoustics, fluid dynamics, hyper-sensing, quantum chemistry and quantum electrodynamics.