One of the organisers of the event who works at the museum, explained why she organised this day: "A fun part of today is bringing the different projects together, which can lead to new collaborations. Of course this day is also to thank our volunteers for their effort." During the event, volunteers could vote via the ikPolls on how they rated the day.
The web editors of the Geheugen van West spoke about their personal experience with 'their' communitysite. For example, one volunteer found out about 'Geheugen' through an ad in a local paper, while someone else found it through word-of-mouth. "I like that this project is so accessible. The project also reaches further than the website, there are collaborations with community centres and nursing homes. There are also constantly new developments online, such as 'Virtual Pen', in which a remarkable Amsterdam citizen writes a piece and afterwards passes on the pen to the next person."
The results of the ikPoll indicate that, of the program, volunteers enjoyed meeting others and following workshops the most. "It's really nice to get to know the people working on the other sites!". After the program, the volunteers had a nice chat with each other about the event, each other's projects and the next meeting. These conversations took place next to and in front of the ikCams.