Night of Shame

The most shameful artworks by well know designers and artists from Rotterdam

26 Tem 2012

Every filmmaker or artist will proudly share his best work with the world. But for the production of every cool commercial, music video, animation or short film each director has a hard disc with folders full of shame and behind every artist’s masterpiece a process full of failed experiments.


Night of Shame -

Worst works in Cinema Setting

‘Opslaan Als’ invited a platoon of directors, artists en creatives to show their worst works in a cinema setting. Works such as academy admission videos, horrible commercials made to pay the rent and all material that the maker himself would rather never see back at all. After the screening it’s time to drink away the shame at the after party.


The following artists will participate:
Venour (NL), Tim en Stefan van den Boogaard (Mortierbrigade) (NL), Opslaan Als (NL), Boudewijn Bollman (NL), Turbo Turbo (NL) and more.
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