Human Chain Action

for a Nuclear Free World

29 Tem 2012

On 29th of July, there is a huge demonstration and manifestation for a Nuclear Free World planned in Tokyo. As we are asked for international support for this action, we gather at the Dam square at the same time on the same day.


Human Chain Action for a Nuclear Free World - Copyright: Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes

Concerning the entire world

We think that nuclear issue is not only Japan’s critical subject but also concerning the entire world. Now international pressure is ever so needed to prevent the same tragedy that happened and is still taking place in Fukushima, and to protect the coming generations from the burden of today’s society.

The situation in Japan

The Japanese Prime Minister has recently announced his decision to restart two nuclear reactors in Ohi twon in Western Japan. He also claimed that nuclear energy would remain an important national energy resource for the coming near future, thereby willingly reconfirming Japanese nuclear energy policy.

Despite the large objection, strong resistance in the region of Western Japan surrounding Ohi area, and the fact that a great number of Japanese people is against nuclear power, the government is bowing to the pressures from the nuclear lobby in Japan. Although more than a hundred thousand people are gathering every week in front of the Prime Minister's Official Residence in Tokyo to raise an objection against this situation, citizen's voice does not seem to reach the government.

International pressure

Under this circumstance, we feel that a coordinated international pressure on the Japanese government is essential to bring on real and substantial change. We believe that the Japanese government and the Japanese public will react very sensitively to international pressure. That makes the Japanese government realise their significant responsibility towards people in Japan and the rest of the world to secure the safety needed, if we are to live in the future.

This is why we would like to ask your support to be with us, to warn the Japanese government, to let them know that we are united in wishing for a safe and harmonious world. Please join us, together with your friends, family and colleagues to be together to act for our future.

Practical Information

The demonstration and manifestation will take place on July 29th from 12 till 2 AM at the Dam square. For further information, please go to Hope Step Japan.