New Towns | New Territories

INTI | 5th International Conference

27 Eyl 2012

The conference 'New Towns | New Territories’ explores the latest innovations in global urbanization, privatization and new organizational models of urban development as well as the impact and challenges for professional practice.


Global urbanization is moving at a faster pace than ever before and it is showing a fundamental shift in its structure and organization. The increase in privatization has led to an increased dynamic between client, investor, developer, designer, builder and end-user. The organizational models shift with each new urban development as alliances, politics and financial interests change. Organizations are forced to re-define their role, goal and added value and find new methods, approaches and coalitions in a constantly shifting territory where interests are often conflicting while organizations involved are interdependent.
The title of the conference, ‘New Towns | New Territories’ refers to both new cities in a very literal way, as well as to innovative models of urban development practice. The title therefore implies our fascination with both the physical and organizational shifts taking place.

The trigger to organize this 5th international INTI-conference was provided by the research behind the latest INTI publication “Rising in the East, Contemporary New Towns in Asia”. The project on contemporary Asian New Towns began with an extensive inventory of almost 400 examples planned (or constructed) since 1990. The investigation lasted three years and was the collective effort of various parties, including researchers, designers, local photographers, journalists and academics.