2nd: Ableton Live User Group Amsterdam

Like making music with Ableton LIVE? CHECK!

25 Eki 2012

An opportunity for people to meet other Ableton Live users and share your experience, your music, your ideas…


2nd: Ableton Live User Group Amsterdam -

This event will be held in Dutch + English.

Like music? Check,
Like making music? Check,
Like making music with Ableton LIVE? DOUBLE CHECK! …

We invite you for the second ‘get together’ for the Ableton Live User Group Amsterdam. No dress code! Be yourself, bring yourself. All skill levels and any music styles!

This will be an excellent opportunity for people to meet other Ableton Live users and share your experience, your music, your ideas… Anything you wanted to ask or show.

THURSDAY, October 25, 2012, 19:00 – 22:00

STEIM, Achtergracht 19
1017 WL Amsterdam

Entrance: FREE

RSVP: Not required

For more information visit http://steim.org/event/2nd-edition-ableton-live-user-group-amsterdam/