Concert: Kim Cascone / TeZ

Altered states of perception.

11 Kas 2012

Join us for a special evening featuring two prominent artists working within the medium of altered states of perception.


Concert: Kim Cascone / TeZ -


Join us for a special evening featuring two prominent artists working within the medium of altered states of perception.

Kim Cascone will present his new 34-minute sensory meditation ‘Becoming Aiôn’. Utilizing Schumann resonances, Spricom frequencies, binaural and monaural beat frequencies and spatial effects, ‘Becoming Aiôn’ is not a concert in the traditional sense, but an experience intended to induce deep meditative states in the listener.

‘Becoming Aiôn’ is an acoustic mirror, a reflecting pool bringing the audience’s unconscious to the surface through the technique of entrainment, allowing them to project onto the sonic gauze. ‘Becoming Aiôn’ could be likened to a scrying mirror into which the viewers unconscious is projected then reflected back to them. This work was inspired by my research in Jungian psychology, Hermetic philosophy, brain entrainment techniques, altered states of consciousness, meditation and a variety of other areas.

Prior to ‘Becoming Aiôn’, TeZ will perform ‘PV868′, a performance aimed at producing an audiovisual feed/stimulus which allows a peculiar effect of moving visual patterns to emerge directly in the brain of the observer.

The stimulus is generated in real-time by a combination of flickering video, in the form of abstract lights and color gradients, coupled with synchronized synthetic sounds (binaural beats) diffused in a surround quadrophonic system. These elements are performed and recombined in real-time.

‘PV868′ is inspired by the readings of John Geiger’s “Chapel of Extreme Experience” and W. G. Walter’s “The Living Brain”. The title, ‘PV868′, is the patent number of the Dream Machine developed by Brion Gysin and William S. Burroughs in the late 50′s.

DISCLAIMER: This work is based on the use of flickering video light which might cause seizures in people suffering of photogenic or photosensitive epilepsy.

Date: Sunday 11 November, 2012
Time: 20:30 hrs. (doors open 20:00 hrs.)
Cost: €5
Location: STEIM Studio 3, Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134, Amsterdam

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