The One Two

Uta Eisenreich and Martijn Hendriks

21 Oca 2011
  • 19:00
  • <>TAG
  • Weimarstraat 1E, Den Haag

The One Two is the result of a collaboration between Uta Eisenreich and Martijn Hendriks, which brings together the practices of both artists.


Martijn Hendriks - bron

The construction of meaning is central to the exhibition, starting with found objects and removing them from their context, on the basis of made-up rules, then copying these objects and reintroducing them, the artists perform a playful investigation into processes related to translation, transformation and shifts in context. The exhibition is part of a long-running programme by TAG that investigates and critically questions the relationship between new media art and contemporary visual art, with perception as a central element. A presentation based on Jelle Feringa’s research, which TAG is supporting in 2011, can be seen in parallel to The One Two. Feringa investigates the relationship between perception and models of representation. He is currently working on a new printing method to make colours visible that could not previously be displayed.


Opening 21 January 2011 at 19:00 at Stille Veerkade 19, Den Haag. The exhibition runs 22 January until 20 February 2011, Thu - Sun from 12:00 - 17:00. For more information visit