NIGREDO daytime preview 11h-18h

a private biofeedback experience

21 Şub 2013

Nigredo is designed as a private 8 minute biofeedback artwork to be experienced by one visitor at a time.



Reservations must be made to attend this preview (see below), reservations close the evening of Wednesday, Feb 20

For more info, registration, and timetables visit the event page at

Come join us before the opening ceremonies of Sonic Acts for the initial preview of new media and sound artist Marco Donnarumma’s latest work, Nigredo. Nigredo, developed during a residency at STEIM, is designed as a private 8 minute artwork to be experienced by one visitor at a time. The work draws from studies in analytical psychology, human sensory systems, and biotechnologies to create an intimate and uncanny experience of one’s internal self.

The work uses ad hoc biofeedback methods and wearable bioacoustic technology to create feedback systems within the visitor’s own body through sound (bioacoustics) and bioelectric signals. The senses are heightened beyond their natural threshold, so as to induce an intense experience between viscera and perception.

The term Nigredo comes originally from alchemy, where it is referred to as putrefaction or decomposition. In order to create the philosopher’s stone, alchemists would produce a homogeneous black matter by slowly cooking all their ingredients at once. Later in the framework of analytical psychology, the term Nigredo became a metaphor for the moment of despair and disillusionment caused by a spiraling descent into the dark unknowns of the subconscious mind.


We welcome you to come experience the work for yourself. Due to the limited number of available slots it is recommended to reserve in advance. Please check this online timetable to see what time slots are available, then send you reservation by email to knock [AT] steim [DOT] nl

Showings will happen every ten minutes from 11h-14h and 15h-18h, with no showings the last ten minutes of each hour.

DATE: 21 FEB 2013
TIME: Five showings per hour, one every 10 minutes
11h – 14h
15h – 18h

The techniques used in this artwork are completely safe; biofeedback and bioacoustic technologies are commonly used by medical practitioners to probe into bodily mechanisms that are otherwise imperceptible. Please note, however, that the work includes high sound pressure level and pulsating lights.