MICROGRANNY + BASTL (DIY) electronics workshop

Digital synthesis and DIY electronics for beginners

3 Nis 2013

Workshop for total beginners to learn about making music with electronics and modern open source hardware/software.


microGranny -

Reservation for this workshop must be made in advance. The online registration form as well as more information about the workshop can be found at steim.org.

Bastl is a Czech term for DIY that describes a particular era of eastern-bloc underground artists who worked heavily with electronics. This is a “modern Bastl” workshop for total beginners to learn about the modern approach to making art with electronics and open source hardware/software. The workshop will focus around building your own open-source digital sampler, the microGranny, that you will take home with you after the workshop.

What you will learn:

the essentials of working with electronics: soldering and important terminology
the basics of working with synthesizers and samplers
an introduction to the world of open-source hardware and it’s possibilities
current and historic trends in DIY electronic arts culture and bastl

The workshop is taught by the founders of Standuino, a cultural initiative and DIY electronics platform that celebrates the rich history of underground bastl artists from the former Czechoslovakia.


TIME: 10:00 – until finish
COST: €90 (includes all parts costs of microGranny granular sampler)
LOCATION: STEIM Concert Space, Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134 Amsterdam