Lost & Found at Artis Library

a night of stray images and sounds in a librabry on the history of zoology and botany

3 Mayıs 2013

Artists, writers and musicians present work in progress, experiment or present work that doesn't fit into their oeuvre (yet). A specific and unique stage for diverse and hybrid works which don't fit comfortably into galleries or museums.


UvA_Artis_Bibliotheek -

The program is compiled by Alma Mathijsen, Julia van Mourik and Yeb Wiersma from received and selected material.

Thanks to Mondriaan Fund, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, UvA-Artisbibliotheek and robstolk.

Lost & Found at Artis Library
Friday 3 mei 2013
Doors open 20.30, Start programme 21.00
Plantage Middenlaan 45
Cover charge €10

Subscribe to found@lost.nl facebook.com/lostandfoundprogram