Failed Architecture #10: Beyond Failure

13 Haz 2013

Can we benefit from failure? Can dystopia be productive? Is there a future for architecture criticism?


FA #10 -

Over the last two years Failed Architecture has explored the dark sides of architecture and urbanism, from long neglected industrial ruins and abandoned new towns to Britain’s riot-torn neighbourhoods and the corporate takeover in sell-out-cities. After organising several workshops abroad, Failed Architecture is back in Amsterdam to bring a wide range of perspectives on the possible successes of failure, the resilience of architecture and the architect's responsibility in a ravaged world.

Moreover, we will explore the role of architectural magazines. How does presenting and scrutinizing architecture influence how we think about cities? Failed Architecture’s Jan Loerakker will discuss this with several architectural media representatives.

Matthias Böttger (professor in Sustainable Architecture + Spatial Tactics, curator of the Deutsches Architektur Zentrum), Darryl Chen (architect and urbanist, founder of Tomorrow’s Thoughts Today), Ole Bouman (Creative Director at Shenzhen Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture), Arjen Oosterman (editor-in-chief of Volume), Mark Studholme (editor-in-chief of Archello).

Amsterdam’s renowned architecture bookshop Architectura & Natura will be selling Failed Architecture classics and other relevant books during the evening. The night will end with drinks and Failed Architecture music by Radna Rumping. Tickets are €7 in pre- sale and €9 at the door. TrouwAmsterdam’s restaurant is open from 17:30 and offers a menu with small and shareable dishes.

For more info and updates, please check our website:, or the Facebook event: