
Extravers - Gender X

Mixed Gay and Straight Minimal-Techno Dance Party

18 Mayıs 2007
  • 22:00 -23:30
  • Club 8
  • Admiraal de Ruyterweg 56B, 1056 GL Amsterdam

Come and dance at the mixed Gay and Straight party called Extravers in Club8.


Extravers - Gender X - Eddie Izzard won't be present at Gender X!!!

Theme is Gender X so put on your Crystal Carrington shoulder pads, use your Marilyn Manson make-up kit and rock the night away on minimal-techno! DJ's Esther (Feiern), Renzo (Sugarfactory), Dorine Dorado (Voltt), VJ LotteZ, video art by Marius van der Pol and Lies & Luus show!

Put on your Crystal Carington shoulder pads, play with your Marilyn Manson make-up kit, slip on those stilletto's, guyz with lipgloss, girls with breasthair or be the macho that you always wanted to be and dance the night away on the sweetest tunes and toughest beats!!! Come early! Top DJ Esther starts at 10PM! Also check out your previous party pics on myspace via

DJ Dorine Dorado (Voltt)
DJ Esther (Feiern)
DJ Renzo (Extravers).
Video art by Marius van der Pol
Lies & Luus show
VJ LotteZ and much more !