Complexity, Cognition and Design

10 Eki 2013
12 Eki 2013

CTC (Complexity Theories of Cities) is a domain of research that studies dynamic systems and patterns of urban morphology.

Play the City will present the evolution of city games and engage in discussions with renowned professors from a range of disciplines, including cognitive psychology and philosophy, who address urban planning questions.

The first Delft International conference in September 2009, co-organized by Play the City's Ekim Tan, evaluated the achievements of Complexity Theories of Cities and looked forward at potentials and challenges yet to be materialized. Among these last was the insight that in order to better understand and simulate human behavior in cities, CTC should make a link to cognitive science perspectives on these issues and be aware that planning and design are basic cognitive capabilities of humans.

Following this insight the aim of this 2nd Delft international conference is to create a transdisciplinary conversation between researchers from several disciplines rarely intersect. The conference brings together practitioners of CTC with cognitive scientists investigating spatial behavior, researchers of design thinking, philosophers, environmental scientists, urban planners and urban designers.

Confirmed Speakers

& Abstracts of their presentations:

Michael Batty - University College London, United Kingdom
Andy Dong - The University of Sydney, Australia Read the Abstract
John Habraken - Former Head of the Department of Architecture at MIT, USA Read the Abstract
Bill Hillier - University College London, United Kingdom Read the Abstract
Scott Kelso - Florida Atlantic University, USA Read the Abstract
Stephen Marshall - University College London, United Kingdom Read the Abstract
Han Meyer - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Frits Palmboom - Palmbout Urban Landscapes, The Netherlands
Juval Portugali - Tel Aviv University, Israel Read the Abstract
Gert de Roo - University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Roni Sela - Tel Aviv University, Israel Read the Abstract
Egbert Stolk - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Read the Abstract
Ekim Tan - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Read the Abstract
Paul Thagard - University of Waterloo, Canada Read the Abstract
Scott Turner - Syracuse University, Syracuse, USA Read the Abstract
Barbara Tversky - Stanford University, USA Read the Abstract

Conference Flyer

Register HERE

Day 1. Thursday, 10th, 17:00 – two opening keynote lectures (by J. Portugali & B. Tversky). Open for public!
Day 2. Friday, 11th, 9:30–17:30 – full Conference day.
Day 3. Saturday, 12th, 9:30–17:30 – full Conference day.

Supported by:
Delft Infrastuctures & Mobility Initiative (DIMI)
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences