StrohuttenFest: Day 2

How durable is straw building?

27 Eyl 2013

The wall is standing. You came to see how our new office arose. While you were here you were able to learn more about durability and straw building from the professionals. This night, architect Sjap Holst and Carl Giskes from Tierrafino were our guests.


Lunch during the first building day of our straw office -


Sjap Holst

Sjap Holst started in 1985 with his own architectural bureau called ECO-DESIGN. He is focussed on projects that are about environmentally friendly building and living. He is trying to realize this by building projects that have value for people and their environment.

Carl Giskes

Carl Giskes is the man behind the company Tierrafino. It offers designers and architects organic, environmentally friendly and health-promoting adobe finish. Tierrafino plaster is known for the huge palette of over 600 shades en nuances.

More Information

Location: Mediamatic, VOC-kade 10, Oostenburg Amsterdam. Tickets €7,50 (including Club Mediamatic membership for 4 weeks). Doors open at 18:00 and there will be a meal for €5. Start of evening program: 19:00.

Also interested in the other evenings?
See here for Strohuttenfest day 1
See here for Strohuttenfest day 3