ÇapulcuTuesday # 12

What about... the Program

24 Eyl 2013

The Mediamatic Fabriek space is clear! This meeting we will get going by letting each other know the nitty gritty. How much space does your project need? Will you host a one-day event or use the space for months?
There will be also a calendar to put in the dates, to give an overview of al the different activities.

Besides this Mediamatic likes to inform you about the Museum evening on 2 november form 19:00 till 02:00 and look if the program could fit in PARK.

To get in the park atmosphere, this will be a pot-luck evening. Bring whatever foods you’d like to share with the group so we have something to munch while sitting on the ground, filling out our calendar and floor plan.


Glam Light Park - made by Pierre Chamberland, founded on flickr.

PARK is a project initiated by a group of people who felt an urge to contribute to the protests in Turkey. What can we do from Amsterdam, how can our voices be heard? You can check the PARK project page here

More information
Time: 19:00. Location: Mediamatic, VOC-kade 10, 1018 LG, Oostenburg Amsterdam. Free dinner for participants.