ARWL #3: Exoplanets, quantum physics & Cold War remnants

Artists and scientists reveal research in living-room setting

4 Haz 2014

With Rik van Lieshout, Evelina Domnitch and Diederik Oostdijk. ARWL takes place irregularly in the living room of Café de Ruimte. It’s a show and tell for scientists, artists and other researchers. They reveal their work and discuss the UNIVERSAL questions and personal fascinations that inform it. Dinner at 18:30, talks at 20:00. Scroll down for more info, or RSVP here.


ARWL #3 invitation -


Rik van Lieshout

Philosophers and scientists have always supposed that exoplanets (planets outside our solar system) exist, but up until a decade or two ago, there was no way of detecting them. This changed in the 1990s and by now planet hunting is one of the hottest fields in astronomy. In February of this year, NASA announced the discovery of 715 exoplanets. Some of these orbit in the host star’s habitable zone, which means they could possibly harbor life as we know it. Find out more from Rik, PhD student at the Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy.

Evelina Domnitch

Artist duo Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand left fixative media in favour of the non-local, fluid and often weightless states of quantum physicality, creating artworks that draw on developments particularly in mesoscopics. Find out more about collapsing bubbles that emit light, luminescent rain, artificial photosynthesis and more.

Diederik Oostdijk

Just outside Washington DC you’ll find the Netherlands Carillon. Harboring 50 bells, the carillon was a gift from the Netherlands to the US as a thank you for the liberation in 1945. However, it’s also a Cold War monument, representing the Netherlands’ urge to make a sound in the world. Research conducted by Diederik, professor of English literature at the Vrije Universiteit, reveals the Netherlands Carillon as a symbol of complex transatlantic ties.


Jesse van Winden, editor-in-chief of Kunstlicht, will one-handedly play his favorite records.


Cafe De Ruimte, Buiksloterdijk 270, Amsterdam. Entrance: €4. Time: 20:00. We will sit down for dinner before the talks. If you'd like to join us, make a reservation by sending an e-mail to Meals are always vegetarian and cost €6.