This Happened Rotterdam #4

Hoe maakt u het?

25 Ağs 2014

Having ideas is easier than making them happen. Creators tell about projects that exist today, how their concepts and production process can help inform future work.


Plastap at This happened Rotterdam #4 -

After your wonderful holiday we invite you back to WORM for This happened Rotterdam #4. On Monday August the 25th we are proud to present you an evening of fascinating projects to enjoy and discuss:

Pieter Omvlee - founder of Bohemian Coding – will talk about Sketch. 
Sketch is a professional digital design tool. It is used by a growing number of designers from freelancers to design teams at Facebook, Google to create applications, icons and websites. Pieter will talk about what it takes to design an exemplary design tool.

Arne Boon & Aduén Darriba Frederiks (Studio Aan) will talk about “Plastap“. The Plastap (pee-tap) is a urinal / beer-tap mashup. Participators get an amount of beer exact to the amount they peed. Besides being a fun experience the Plastap is the start of a closed loop ecology. In a world where we mine phosphorous in the USA, ship it as fertilizer to spain to grow tomatoes, eat them in Holland and burn our phosphorous in a waste incinerator we are currently depleting resources. Arne & Aduén will talk about creating a fun festival experience that makes you hink different about pee.

Atus Smartbadge
Koen van Niekerk is Interaction Design Director at VanBerlo where he and his team work on UX projects for commercial clients. These projects often center around creating the right experience or optimising complex tasks and workflows. Increasingly this involves “connected products”, “distributed interfaces” and “wearables”. Sometimes all of them at the same time, like in the case of the Smartbadge they designed for Atus. Koen will talk about this process and what it is like to create a connected product when you are not Google’s size.

Perpetual Plastic Project
Jonas Martens & Gaspard Bos will talk about Perpetual Plastic, an installation that transforms plastic waste into 3D printed objects, which eventually becomes plastic waste and can be printed into new objects. Plastic is a valuable (and finite) resource. So how can it happen that less then 10% of the plastics worldwide get recycled? The Perpetual Plastic Project team makes an intervention with an interactive installation, bypassing current waste management systems. The installation gives people an incentive to hand in their waste: a throwaway cup for a ring!

More information:

Tickets will be €6,- if ordered online and €7,- at the door (first come, first served).

In collaboration with Designplatform Rotterdam and hosted by Worm.