Metropolitan Field Trip: Copenhagen - Malmö

20 Kas 2014
23 Kas 2014

Who is joining us on a four-day Metropolitan Field Trip to Copenhagen?

Copenhagen rivals Amsterdam in many Liveable City indexes. More cyclists, better public transport, active city makers, effective governance. Is that correct? We'll see in our fourth Metropolitan Field Trip: Copenhagen- Malmö. Join us from 20-23 November as we study the dynamics of this Northern European metropolis.

Metropolitan Field Trips (2014-2015)

This Metropolitan Field Trip to Copenhagen-Malmö is the fourth in a series, in which a high-profile (mainly Dutch) group searches for mechanisms of urban change. We look for connections with our colleague planners, cultural entrepeneurs, architects, urban planners, administrators, artists, developers and designers. Metropolitan Field Trips (2014-2015) explore the urban changes in the new Europe (New Europe – Cities in Transition). We look at the current upscaling and the changing roles and interaction between top-down and bottom-up actions. Sustainable relationships will be developed through setting up international City Embassies in a European network of people and organisations, which are active in the field of “metropolitan development”.

Copenhagen-Malmö, the metropolitan level
Copenhagen-Malmö is a unique dual city stretching across national borders. Copenhagen is connected to Malmö in Sweden via the Oresund bridge with this took the first step towards creating a global metropolitan region with more than 3 million inhabitants. How does such cross-border planning work, how do you manage such a region and what are the social successes of this bridge connection? What opportunities does this new Scandinavian metropolis create for its inhabitants, businesses and for education and science? And what's next? A high-speed train from Oslo to Malmö, another bridge between the two countries (Helsingborg-Helsingor), better intra-regional links and what about Kastrup Airport? And how will the new metropolis be organized and developed as to accomodate comfortable and durable transport within the region?

Copenhagen-Malmö, city at eye level
But there is even more to this Field Trip. We will not only look at the big scale but also at the small scale. To the residential quality of the public space, which is a patented Copenhagen feature, the "City at Eye Level". We look for the 'Berlin' of Copenhagen, to the informal economy, the City Makers, placemakers and local entrepreneurs, the bottom-up initiatives; to the "city in transition". What is the role of architecture and urban design? In the major challenge of climate change the big and small scale come together. How does the energy transition in Copenhagen-Malmö take form and what role do households and businesses play in it?


What will the Metropolitan Field Trip entail?

With a broad perspective on transition and innovation in urban development we will study Copenhagen-Malmö as a city and a metropolis. Visits to the offices of planners and architects will be complemented with encounters with professional peers, residents, entrepreneurs, wherein we will look for both big-scale and small-scale, often informal urban interventions.

Day 1 - Arrival - The Field Trip starts with a meet-up at the hotel (5PM), followed by a walk to the Dutch embassy / architecture institute (5:30PM) with the Introduction meeting (6PM) and a dinner (7PM).

Day 2 - Small scale, city at eyelevel - This day focuses on bottom-up initiatives; among others the development of new vibrant urban space, cultural locations and cycling management. How do they take shape and how are they organized? The program starts at 8:30AM with a visit to Frederiksstaden and ends with an evening visit to Christiania.



Day 3 - Big scale, the metropolitan level - The third day focuses on Copenhagen's activities regarding metropolitan strategy, housing development, ecology, transit oriented development and harbour development. The day starts with a visit to the harbour at 8:30Am and ends with an evening visit to Paper island. Guide for the day is Regitze Marianne Hess (COO, International Federation of Housing & Planning).



Day 4 – Wrap up - The fourth and last day of the field trip starts with a debriefing of all the participants: what are the lessons learned, what can be implemented back at home and what can we bring to Copenhagen-Malmö? Followed by a visit at 10AM to the Dutch Embassy and architecture institute (DAC) with presentations on politics, culture and economy.

Optional: - Sunday afternoon optional visits to locations outside the city (not included in the field trip): Modern Art Museum Louisiana, Danish Maritime Museum.

CPH sonder
CPH sonder

Why should you join the Metropolitan Field Trip to Copenhagen-Malmö?

Because you are somewhat actively engaged in the transition of cities, or urban development in general. You want to broaden your horizon and witness how things are done elsewhere in Europe. You want to meet new people within your field of interest or profession, and want to establish sustainable (inter)national contacts. And first and foremost, you want to get a unique perspective on Copenhagen-Malmö, gain this in the company of an inspiring group of peers and have the practicalities fully taken care off.

Copenhagen documentary + discussion
Circa one week before the field trip a film about the unique squatter community Christiania will be shown in Rotterdam. Other topics will be the program for the Copenhagen-Malmö trip and the series of Metropolitan Field Trips in 2015, followed by a discussion with all those present. More information (date, time, location) to follow.

Practical information

The costs for the Field trip are € 750,- per person. Including: hotel (3 nights), breakfast, lunch and diner, local transport, tours and presentations. Excluding: transportation to and from Copenhagen (KLM / Norwegian / SAS offer regular return flights from Amsterdam for circa € 120; booking the flights is the responsibility of the participants). Arrival times are usually 08:50, 11:50 or 16:20.

Payment & registration
Registration is mandatory, follow the link below. Your registration is final when payment is received via wire transfer or Paypal. Contact us via oploop [at] for more information or call +31 10 737 0340.


New Europe - Cities in Transition
The Metropolitan Field Trips are part of New Europe - Cities in Transition, a platform initiated by Pakhuis de Zwijger to enhance social innovation in urban development. This European network of City Embassies connects City Makers within 28 capitals of the European Union. Read more about New Europe in the folder below:

Subscribe to the New Europe newsletter

The Metropolitan Field Trips are organized by a partnership of Pakhuis de Zwijger, Brainville, Deltametropolis Association, Stipo / Inspiring Cities and Creative Industries Fund NL. The Copenhagen-Malmö trip is coordinated by the Deltametropolis Association.