Bio+Art Community MeetUp

10 Haz 2015

On June 10th from 20:00 until 22:00, V2_ will host its second Bio+Art Community MeetUp. These MeetUps are a new initiative to give the Dutch community of artists, designers, makers, and researchers that are working on or with biotechnologies a place to meet and discuss their work, ideas, and recent developments.


Bio+Art Community MeetUp I -

This time everyone is invited to bring an object that plays a central or important role in his or her practice. On the basis of a “show and tell” principle everybody will receive the opportunity to say a few words about the object and its relevance to his/her practice. By doing so, we hope to gain insight into all the individual practices that our community consists of and open the discussion on the role of these objects and their meaning.

Participation in these MeetUps is free and cocktails will be served on the house as long as they last!