Nature vs. culture

Pis' Talk 4: Henriëtte Waal, Lou Buche, Julia Veldhuijzen van Zanten, Sam van Veluw

26 Kas 2015

The speakers this evening will not only discuss practical solutions to incontinence, peeing in the open and urine fermentation; they will also address the issues of stigmatisation, emotional distress and community practices. With the NIMBY toilet from Henriette Waal, an intimate pee-art performance by Lou Buche, Julia Veldhuijzen van Zanten's washable underwear and Sam van Veluw's P-tree.

Drinks and food from 18:00, talks at 20:00. Join us!
The NIMBY toilet is currently on show at Mediamatic Biotoop.


Grandeur by Lou Buche - Lou Buche (FR)

Henriëtte Waal and her NIMBY toilet

With her project 'Not In My Backyard Toilet' Henriëtte introduced pee-cycling to the Onkraj Gradbisca community garden in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The toilet is a reinterpretation of Enzo Mari's design of the Sedia 1 chair, a dry toilet which is also was a DIY exercise for students. The NIMBY Toilet uses the proces of fermentation so that its urine later can be used as fertiliser for the garden. The toilet caused the community to talk about their use of toilets, eating habits and cultural differences.


NIMBY Toilet by Henriette Waal - The Not In My Backyard Toilet is a project by Henriette Waal and was developed as a part of BIO50 in Ljubljana, 2014. Henriette Waal


Nature vs. culture - Henriëtte Waal is explaining how to use her NIMBY Toilet during the Pis's Talk. Margherita Soldati

Lou Buche's art

Never wasting an opportunity to create— even when material availability is limited— Lou Buche pisses out typographic pieces using nothing more than beer as an incentive. In an ongoing experimental series, his Pee-Project emphasises making “use of your habits, your desires, your defaults” to spark the creative process. During this Pis' Talk he will share his experience using pee and the body as artistic materials. We will also encounter the intimate act in a live demonstration.


Not Written in Pee - Lou Buche (FR)


Nature vs. Culture - Willeme is introducing the new speaker during the Pis's Talk. Lou Buche pisses out typographic pieces using nothing more than beer as an incentive. Margherita Soldati


Julia Veldhuijzen van Zanten on washable textile protective underwear

It is true that pee is a valuable resource, but it can also be a problem if you cannot control your bladder. Indeed, incontinence challenges one's emotional and physical well-being and is definitely an unpleasant experience. There are solutions such as disposable adult diapers, but many people feel uncomfortable and rather retreat from social life. What can be done then to tackle this issue? Julia has explored an interesting alternative and she is here to tell us more about the results. Washable textile protective underwear: is it the breakthrough?


Washable textile protective underwear - Julia Veldhuijzen van Zanten designed textile protective underwear to tackle the problem of incontinence in the case of elderly people. Her solution addresses the emotional side of this bodily malfunctioning, not merely the practical challenges it involves. Julia Veldhuijzen van Zanten


Nature vs. culture - Julia Veldhuijzen van Zanten is starting her presentation about washable textile protective underwear during the Pis's Talk. Margherita Soldati

Sam van Veluw's removable tree-urinals

The P-TREE-urinal can be strapped to almost any tree. It is easy to put up, easy to take down and easy to clean. With public urination becoming an increasing problem, Dutch designer Sam van Veluw has created a mobile solution for festivals. Also, the hoses from the urinals can be combined and connected to fit the specific needs of the occasion, or alternately led into plastic containers that you bury in the ground. This evening Sam joins us to talk about the process of designing a mobile, festival-friendly urinal.


P-Trees - Sam van Veluw, 2007 - You can see more details about the P-TREE and Sam van Veluws other designs at the website of Sam van Veluw and AANDEBOOM AANDEBOOM, Sam van Veluw


Pis’ Talk 4: Nature vs. culture
Thursday, November 26th
Drinks and food from 18:00, talks at 20:00
Biotoop Mediamatic, Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam
Tickets: €8,50 (€3,50 for members) - food excluded
Please note that this talk will be in english

Students pay only €5! Fill in the discount code 'student' at the check-out. NB: we will ask you to show your student id at the ticket service.