Machine Wilderness


2 Kas 2015

Explore emerging hybrid ecologies where nature, technology and art intertwine.


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Machine Wilderness is bringing together experts from many different disciplines and backgrounds to explore emerging hybrid ecologies where nature, technology and art intertwine, on the 2nd of November at Artis Royal Zoo in Amsterdam.

With keynote speakers, presentations, performances and live demos this symposium navigates through current and imminent machine wildernesses. The day includes introductions and brain-storm sessions for the three hands-on workshops later this year.

To sign up: before 15 October

The symposium features contributions amongst others:

//Keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Gusz Eiben, head of the Computational Intelligence Group at VU - 'Evolving Robotic Ecosystems', on evolution and artificial intelligence

//Dr. Erik de Jong Special Professor of Culture Landscape and Nature in the Faculty of Humanities at UVA and Artis Academy - 'on new relations to nature, Artis in the Anthropocene and the extended museum'

//Nico Nijenhuis of ClearFlight solutions - presents Robird their 3D printed robotic birds-of-prey

//Kenzo Kusuda choreographer and dancer - on how to connect with a landscape and non-humans

//ir. Paul Roncken Assistant Professor at the department of Landscape Architecture at WU Environmental Sciences - on his concept of Landscape Machines

//Dr. Spela Petric Artist - showing new work

//Xavier San Georgi Architect, Landscape architect & Ecologist at - on technology and foodforestry

Final program is forthcoming on project website